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Alexis Sinduhije

For freedom of opposition

Par Sabine.CESSOU
Publié le 2 janvier 2016 à 14h42

Alexis Sinduhije, a 47-year-old former journalist from Burundi, is paying a high price for his political activities. Opposed to President Pierre Nkurunziza’s third term in of ?  ce, the leaders of his party, the Movement for Solidarity and Development, founded in 2008, have been killed in Bujumbura in the past few months. Mr. Sinduhije, who also receives death threats, has lived in exile in Uganda since 2014. Young people of every stripe appreciate his straight-from-the-hip talk. In 2000,he had already ran afoul of the authorities by founding, in Bujumbura, the highly popular Radio publique africaine (RPA), which has nothing public about it except the name. Later, he worked for reconciliation between Hutus and Tutsis after along con?  ict that claimed 300,000 lives. Time magazine named him of the world’s 100 most in?  uential people in 2008 – the same year he was arrested for insulting the Head of State after denouncing his “responsibility in affairs of corruption and murder”.