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Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera

Under the rainbow flag

Par Loraine Adam
Publié le 2 janvier 2016 à 14h48

Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera made the June cover of Time magazine for bravely defending LGBT rights, a crime punishable by life imprisonment without parole in Uganda. The 36-year-old activist is the founder and executive director of Freedom and Roam Uganda! as well as editor-in-chief of Bombastic, the country’s ?  rst LGBT magazine. In October, she won the Right Livelihood Award, an alternative Nobel Prize for human rights, for her campaign against repressive laws such as the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which sought to outlaw LGBT organisations and meetings and called for the death penalty for people with HIV. International pressure and her organisation’s work eventually killed the bill. Freedom and Roam Uganda! bravely ?  ghts homophobia, educates people on issues of tolerance and raises public awareness about sexual orientation.

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