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For the author of “The Dictator’s Last Night”, Muammar Gaddafi was a tragic figure. He wrote this gripping first-person novel in just three weeks.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h26

“Tram 83”, the debut novel of this young Congolese, takes us into a world of excess and decay.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h25

Her prodigious literary output explores the intricacies of identity at the heart of the rainbow nation.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h24

With an onrush of jostling words, the writer and poet from Pointe-Noire has written one of the year’s most noteworthy books, “Petit Piment”.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h23

Our collaborator releases “La Révolution n’a pas eu lieu”. For her, writing means living a free life.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h22

Since the publication of “2084. La Fin du monde” we can talk of nothing else but this former high-ranking civil servant. Inspired by Orwell’s “1984”, it tells the tale of a dictatorship where fundamentalism has infiltrated all levels of power.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h21

The Tunisian-born novelist publishes a sweeping saga about the protectorate from an unusual perspective.

Publié le 4 novembre 2015 à 14h19

Okwui Enwezor is brilliant, influential and a major figure in his profession. He was born in Nigeria and is the first African curator of the Venice Biennial, which runs to the 22nd November. Here’s a look at his vertiginous trajectory.

Publié le 7 octobre 2015 à 09h42

Sculptor, painter, writer and activist, this Moroccan multi-talented artist tirelessly wrestles with his inner demons and torments.

Publié le 7 octobre 2015 à 09h41
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